Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management

KORAIL is dedicated to realizing its mission to become the ‘Devoted to the People, the World and the Future’ and is generating various economic, environmental and social values working towards that mission. Since 2008, KORAIL has been transparently disclosing all of its activities and performance to its stakeholders through annual sustainability reports and the is the 10th sustainability report KORAIL has published.

Sustainability Report

This report has been prepared in accordance with the Core Option of the GRI(Global Reporting Initiative) Standards and ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility. It reports primarily on material issues drawn from a materiality assessment and KORAIL’s approach to managing those issues. And independent third-party assurance review was carried out to ensure objectivity and reliability of the report. The third-party assurance provider has verified that this report complies with the GRI Standards(Core Option)